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作者:集群智慧  发布于:2017/2/5 19:09:48  点击量:




School of Mechanical Engineering of Dalian University of Technology was integrated with the previous Department of Mechanical Engineering, the Institute of Molding Tool, and Engineering Training Center founded in 1999. Founded in 1949, the Department of Mechanical Engineering was one of the first established 8 departments in the university.

The school now includes 10 Research Institutes( Institute of Advanced Manufacturing Technology and Equipment, Institute of MEMS and Precision Engineering, Institute of Automation, Institute of Digital Design, Institute of Sensor Testing and Precision machining Technology, Institute of Construction Machinery, Institute of molding Tool, Institute of Vibration Engineering, Institute of CAD and Cyber Technology, and Institute of Sustainable Design and Manufacturing), 1 Teaching and Research Section( Teaching and Research Section of Engineering Drawing), and 2 Experimental Teaching Centers( Engineering Teaching Center and Mechanical Engineering Experimental Teaching Center).

There are 1 Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences( CAS), 1 Chinese Academy of Engineering Academicians( CAE), 2 Yangtze River scholar Professors, 2 international high- level talents( The Thousand Talents Program), 2 science and technology innovation leading academics of national high-level personnel of special support program( Ten Thousand Talent Program), 2 National Outstanding Youth Funds winners, 1 National University Distinguished Teacher Award winner, 3 National “ 973” Project chief scientists, 2 Talent Project in the New Millennium national candidates, 2 Thousand Talent Program for Young Outstanding Scientists scholars, 1 National Natural Science Funds for Distinguished Young Scholar winner, 1 Yangtze River youth scholar, and 10 Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University of Ministry of Education of China winners in the team. The team has been elected to the National Fund Committee for Creative Research Groups and the key areas of the Ministry of Science and Technology innovation team.

The school currently has 2 centers for post-doctoral studies( Mechanical Engineering and Instrument Science and Technology), 2 primary disciplines entitled for conferring doctorate( Mechanical Engineering and Instrument Science and Technology), 8 secondary disciplines entitled for conferring doctorate(Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation, Mechanical Design and Theory, Mechatronic Engineering, Vehicle Engineering, MEMS Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Precision Instrument and Mechanics, Measurement Technology and Instruments), 9 disciplines entitled for conferring master degree(Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation, Mechanical Design and Theory, Mechatronic Engineering, Vehicle Engineering, MEMS Engineering, Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems, Industrial Engineering, Precision Instrument and Mechanics, Measurement Technology and Instruments) , 3 undergraduate majors[Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation( including Japanese Strengthening and International Class), Measurement and Control Technology and Instrument, and Logistic Engineering].

Now, the school has graduated 17654 full-time undergraduate students, 2578 graduate students, and 461 PhD candidates, 469 Engineering Master students, and 78 stand- out post- doctors. The school has cultivate a lot of excellent graduate, including 1 previous member of the Politburo Standing Committee of the CPC Central Committee( Jianxing Wei), 5 academicians( 2 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xingchu Xu and Hongru Yu, and a Academy of Engineering academician, Guomao Yin, from graduates of the old generation, and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changyu Shen, and a Academy of Engineering academician, Dongming Guo, from graduates after reform and opening), and a large outstanding entrepreneurs like the previous Chairman of Changhong Group, Runfeng Ni, and the present general manager of the First Automobile Group, Xianping Xu. There are 3085 students, including 1588 undergraduate students, 885 graduate students, 433 Engineering Master students, and 32 stand- out post- doctors.

Of all the disciplines, the school has a second- level national key discipline—— Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation, and 2 first- level provincial key discipline—— Mechanical Engineering and Instrument Science and Technology. They are listed “ Project 985” and “Project 211”. There has the ministerial- level key lab of precision and special processing, the provincial- level key labs of micro nano technology and system, the ministerial- level key labs( B) of precision or special processing and micro manufacturing technology, the ministerial engineering research center of molding article, the engineering technology research center of lifting appliance of Liaoning Province and other scientific research bases. In 2014, Collaborative Innovation Center of Major machine Manufacturing in Liaoning got the certificates of national accreditation ranked in second throughout the country.

Nearly three- year scientific research fund reaches 200,000,000 yuan, because the school has undertook National 973 Program( the chief unit), National 973 Project, National 863 Project, national support program, national major project, the major or key project of National Natural Science Foundation, and a large number of national program and engineering program. The school receives more than 30 awards from provincial ministries and commissions, among them, precision manufacturing technology and equipment for hard and brittle materials has won the first prize of State Scientific and Technological Innovation Award, and has been selected into the major scientific and technological progress in Chinese universities in 2008, Processing technology and equipment of large complex surface with related surface constraints has won the second prize of State Scientific and Technological Innovation Award, Piezoelectric quartz modern test theory, method, series of new type of measuring instrument and its application has won the second prize of State Scientific and Technological Innovation Award, Bonding and strength screening technology and equipment for antenna cover has won the first prize for Scientific and Technological Innovation Award of the Ministry of Education, and Low damage and high efficiency machining technology and application of aerospace C/E composite material has won the first prize of Provincial Scientific and Technological Innovation Award. Much of engineering research results has been transformed into application in some research institutes and enterprises in the Aeronautics and Astronautics, equipment manufacturing, and construction machinery fields.

By means of the excellent results through the professional accreditation of the national engineering education, Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation has become the national special majors. The school has built up the National Experimental Teaching Demonstrating Center. There are 3 national top quality courses or national excellent resource sharing course, 5 Liaoning Province excellent courses, 1 national teaching group, and 2 Liaoning Province teaching groups. The school has won 6 National Teaching Achievement Awards, and 7 Liaoning Province Teaching Achievement Awards. There are more than 30 subsidized programs of national or provincial and ministerial education reform. The school has compiled and published 24 teaching materials, including 10 teaching materials which belong to the Tenth and Eleventh Five- year Plan.

School of Mechanical Engineering of Dalian University of Technology possess striking characteristics in Precision and ultra precision machining technology and equipment, Micro nano manufacturing technology, Measurement and control technology of manufacturing process, Design theory and method of major equipment, and other research fields. The school has heavy demand and highly recognition in personnel training. Now, School of Mechanical Engineering of Dalian University of Technology has been rated as one of the most influential bases in mechanical engineering science research and personnel training.

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